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Category: Dog Health
Early Signs of Aging in Dogs: As our furry companions grow older, it’s not just the years that accumulate but also the wisdom and love they bring into our lives. However, like us, dogs too experience the inevitable signs of...
Why Rawhide Dog Treats Are Bad for Dogs. As a loving dog owner, you want nothing but the best for your furry companions. When it comes to treats, you may have considered rawhide as a go-to option, owing to its...
With Christmas just a few weeks away, there are certain foods which whilst popular for humans, can be dangerous for dogs. And so naturally, there is an increased chance of your dog ‘accidentally’ eating something they shouldn’t. Just in case...
After the recent spell of scorching weather, we thought it was a suitable time to share some information on how hot weather can affect your dry dog food and whether it can cause dry dog food to go bad. Unlike...
Dogs sweat but not where many think. Dogs actually sweat through their paws - if the sweat glands were located on their bodies, the sweat would fail to evaporate and wouldn't cool them down. This is why it is much...
The mucus on your dog’s nose acts as a great sensory tool - this thin layer of mucus-like material allows them to pick up on certain scents as the mucus will absorb the chemicals. This is also why dogs often...
Giving your dog a sip of your beer or wine may seem harmless, but it’s really not a good idea. Alcohol in dogs can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, coordination problems, central nervous system depression, tremors, breathing problems, coma and even death!...
Some types of stuffing contains onions and/or garlic, whether in powdered or fresh form. This can kill your dog’s red blood cells and cause anaemia and food poisoning - signs may include weakness, vomiting and troubles with breathing. So be...
Our next 'Dangerous Foods for Dogs at Christmas' is macadamia nuts. Macadamia nuts can cause dogs to experience weakness, depression, tremors, vomiting and increased body temperature. They contain a toxin that can affect your dog’s muscles and nervous system which...